
Natural Ways to Get Rid of Ants

Considering using a natural way to get rid of ants? There are several natural ways to deter them, including peppermint oil, lemon peels, cinnamon, and diatomaceous earth. However, you need to be aware that some of these are not recommended for use around pets and children.

Ants need food and water to survive. If they aren’t able to find these in your home, they will look elsewhere. Use ant repellents to limit their access to these. Also, clean your trash bins frequently. You can also use a spray bottle with a solution of water and vinegar. Vinegar has an acid that breaks down ants’ scent trail.

Another great natural way to get rid of ants is to sprinkle cinnamon around your house. This will not only keep them away, but also freshen your house’s smell. This can also be used around the home’s entry points. You can also plant cinnamon sticks outside the house.

You can also use a mix of vinegar and water as an ant deterrent. You should spray this mixture around your home’s foundation and perimeter, as well as any areas that ants have been seen.

Another effective natural way to get rid of ants is by using tea tree oil. This oil contains citronella, which has a strong insecticidal effect. You can buy this oil at your local health food store. It’s also possible to disperse this oil with an oil burner.

Other natural deterrents include peppermint, cinnamon, lemon peels, and red pepper. You can also use borax as a natural way to get rid of ant. Borax has a low toxicity and is less likely to be avoided by ants.