
How to Use Roach Traps For Ants

Using roach traps for ants is a good way to control them. It’s important to choose the right baits for the right ants. Ants are different species, and they have different feeding patterns. If you have both roaches and ants in your home, you may need to mix and match your baits.

The baits you choose should be placed in areas where ants are known to live or where you suspect they are active. They should be placed in dark, cool, and dry areas.

There are different types of baits, such as powder, gel, and aerosol sprays. If you use a water-based spray, you will need to make sure that it does not drip indoors. The spray should be applied to areas where ants have been found, but not to areas where you or your pets might walk.

If you use a powder, you can add a little insecticide dust around the bait. Dusts can be made of Diatomaceous Earth or Boric Acid. These can stay effective for years when they’re not exposed to moisture. They’re also great for baseboards, wall voids, and plumbing penetrations.

You can also make homemade roach traps. Petroleum jelly can be used as the bait. Petroleum jelly traps should be emptied periodically. You can also make a boric acid trap using an old plastic container. Boric acid is toxic, so you’ll want to keep children and pets away from it.

Another option is a glue trap. Glue traps are also known as sticky traps. They come in strips or in bottles. You should change the baits in them every four months or so.