
How to Keep Ants Out of Your Clothes

Keeping ants out of your laundry is not as easy as it sounds. Ants are attracted to the same things that attract you, and that includes moisture, food, and sweet or salty odors. So what are the best ways to keep them out of your clothes?

The best way to keep them out is to make sure your home is as clean as possible. Keep your laundry room clean and ants will be less likely to bother you. If you have a lot of clothes to wash, consider putting them in a sealed plastic bag. This will keep the insects out of the laundry and keep them from laying eggs.

You can use a commercial ant spray, but it should not be used around children. You can also make your own ant spray by mixing equal parts of detergent and water. These ingredients can be purchased at any home improvement store.

You can also try leaving bread out in the open for ants to find. Ants are attracted to sugary foods, and leaving bread on the counter is a great way to attract them.

You can also try using a vacuum cleaner to kill ants. This will help cut ant numbers.

However, the best way to keep ants out of your clothes is to get rid of them. If you have a large colony, consider hiring a professional to get rid of them. This will ensure that the problem is dealt with correctly, and will keep ants out of your home for good.