
How to Keep Ants From Eating My Plants

Besides being a food source for birds, lizards, and larger insects, ants are also a good source of protection for your plants. However, these tiny creatures can cause more harm than good if they infest your garden. Fortunately, there are a few steps you can take to keep ants at bay.

First, check your plants for aphids. These sucking insects produce honeydew, a sweet liquid that attracts ants. You can remove the aphids by spraying a solution of soap and water on the insects. However, you should keep in mind that these insects are harmful to young trees.

Second, if you have potted plants, you should create sacrificial plants that ants cannot access. This can be done by keeping a layer of mulch around the base of the plants. You can also use a commercial sticky trap. These traps are re-applied every two weeks to keep the ants from climbing up your tree trunks.

Third, you can use organic horticultural oil sprays to kill pest insects. These products contain a citrus-based compound that will kill ants on contact. These sprays are safe for organic gardens.

Fourth, you can sprinkle diatomaceous earth on your garden perimeter. This will kill ants, but will also wash away. It is best to do this after rainfall.

Fifth, you can use sticky barriers or glue to prevent ants from climbing up your trees. These can be made from adhesive paper strips that are wrapped around the base of your plants.