
How Much Is An Exterminator For Ants?

Getting an ant exterminator is a necessity when you have a large ant infestation. These insects can be a health hazard and may cause damage to your home. They can also contaminate food with disease-causing organisms. Getting rid of ants can be a costly affair.

The cost of an ant exterminator depends on the severity of the infestation. An infestation that involves only a few ants can be treated with ant baits or a general pest treatment. The cost of a general treatment may range from $150 to $250.

A serious ant infestation may require repeated applications. The cost of a fumigator is also high. The cost of a fumigator can vary from $200 to $400.

A general ant infestation may require several visits to your home by an exterminator. During these visits, the exterminator will spray or use bait traps to kill the ants.

Ant infestations that involve multiple ants can cost up to $1,200. An infestation that involves carpenter ants may cost $400 to $600.

An ant infestation that requires the use of poisoned baits may cost $300. Poisoned baits may need to be reapplied for up to a week.

Ants are a common pest, but some species are more dangerous than others. Some species, such as fire ants, sting people. For this reason, a homeowner should use a non-toxic pesticide. These pesticides are especially important in homes with children or pets.

The cost of an ant exterminator varies greatly by region. Some exterminators charge by the square foot of the home. Others charge by the square foot of the attic or pantry.