
How Much Does it Cost to Get Rid of Ants in Your Home?

Getting rid of ants in your home can be costly. The price varies depending on the type of ants you have and the amount of work involved.

Some pest control companies charge by the square foot of the area they are treating. For example, a 2,000 square foot home will cost around $160 to $330 to treat a single course of ant pest control. The cost of treatments will be higher if the ants are in a hard-to-reach area.

For larger properties, the cost will be higher because of the amount of employee labor required. Additionally, the area will need to be treated more frequently.

Most professional exterminators use a combination of gels and baits to kill ants. Baits are poisoned and placed in areas where ants are likely to gather. This method can take a few days to work.

Another option is to use a fumigator. The price of a fumigator will vary depending on the quality of the product. Some fumigators cost around $200 to $400, while others cost more.

If you have a serious ant problem, you may need to hire a professional. Depending on the type of ant and the size of your home, the cost of ant extermination can range from $250 to $1300.

Ants are small, but they can cause significant damage to your home. In some cases, they can even cause allergies. While some over-the-counter ant control products can kill individual ants, they are ineffective at getting rid of a colony.