
How Much Do Ants Weigh?

Thousands of species of ants live in the world today. One of the largest is the African wandering ant. These ants weigh up to 10 grams and have a tough uterus. They also build bridges to carry their larvae across water barriers.

Several studies have been conducted on ant populations. These studies cover all continents. Researchers use standardised methods to count ants. For example, leaf litter samples and pitfall traps are used. Using these methods, researchers have calculated the number of ants in the world.

The total number of ants on earth is estimated to be twenty quadrillion. This is two to twenty times higher than previous estimates. Researchers analyzed 489 studies to reach this conclusion. They also included studies written in non-English languages.

The total biomass of the global ant population is twelve million tonnes. This is more than the total biomass of wild birds and mammals combined.

The energy output of ants is high. It is more than eight times higher than the energy output of humans. This is due to the size of their muscles. The energy output of ants is equivalent to running at 80 km/h.

Researchers have also determined that the total weight of ants is approximately the same as that of all humans on the planet. The average person weighs 62 kilograms. This means that the average weight of all ants in the world is ten billion kilograms.

The energy output of an ant is equivalent to lifting four thousand kilograms of weight. During their lifetime, an ant will lift three times its body weight.