
How Much Do Ants Cost?

Several species of ants are a common sight in the United States. Some are easy to deal with, but others can be more difficult. Some species can build large colonies that require extensive extermination.

The cost of ant removal varies from area to area. If you live in a densely populated area, you might have to spend several hundred dollars on extermination treatments. If you live in a rural area, you might spend less. The cost of ant removal depends on the size of the area, the type of ants, and how extensive the infestation is.

For small black ants, the cost can be around $150. If you have a serious infestation, you may have to spend over $1000. The cost of exterminating fire ants can be up to $300, depending on the size of the colony.

Carpenter ants can be easily recognized. They are black or brown, and they are primarily found in southern states. They tend to live outside and build nests in dead wood or decaying tree stumps.

Pharaoh ants are another species that can invade a building. They can enter through cracks or packages, and they can carry pathogenic bacteria.

Fire ants can be dangerous to humans, and they have a red abdomen. They are highly aggressive, and they can cause allergic reactions. They are more expensive to remove than small black ants.

Carpenter ants are one of the more difficult species to remove, as they tend to re-occur in the same areas. To get rid of them, you’ll have to destroy their nests.