
How Many Times a Year Do Flying Ants Come Out?

During the summer months, when the weather is warm and humid, flying ants will begin to appear in gardens and outdoor areas. These insects are known to aerate soil and are popular for feeding birds. They also are useful for controlling other pests.

The flying ant season begins in June and continues through September. They are known to appear in gardens, around trash cans and around pools. Some species of ants will also live in buildings and homes. They are known to be attracted to honey and other sweet treats.

These insects are usually seen in the UK during the summer months. They are known to create swarm collections around structures and lights. They also create a mating aggregation around trees and chimneys. These swarms are a social event that provides a power in numbers strategy for protection from threats.

Ants will only leave their nests if the wind speeds are less than 6.3 metres per second. This means that you should not attempt to chase them away. Instead, you should protect your garden by eliminating sources of moisture and by keeping the crawl space areas of your home free of debris.

One study suggests that the number of flying ants that appear depends on the weather. Researchers found that in the UK, every day that had a mean temperature of 25C or higher had ants flying.

The study found that the flying ant is a sign of an established colony. When a colony is established, the females will take to the air for a mating process, called a ‘nuptial flight’. They will mate with the strongest males and eventually become queens. They can live for up to 30 years.