
How Do Ants Survive in Cold Weather?

Besides being a food source, ants are also known to spread harmful bacteria, particularly to infants. They also have the ability to bite, sting and kill. If you’re concerned that ants may be lurking in your home, it’s important to know how they survive in cold weather.

Ants are omnivores, and they eat a variety of foods during the warm seasons. But during the colder months, they’re more likely to focus on protein-rich foods and carbohydrates. This helps them gain weight for the winter months.

In winter, ants will huddle together in the nest to share their body heat. Some will also build large mounds of dirt above the colony to keep them warm. They’ll also close the entrance to their nests. The ants that stay outdoors may migrate to warmer areas when winter comes.

Ants will also eat protein-rich foods in order to produce eggs. They will also change to carbohydrates in the autumn, and they will begin to increase their intake of fats.

When the temperature starts to drop, ants will go into a metabolic state called diapause. This is similar to hibernation. During diapause, ants do not eat or drink. They use very little stored energy. However, ants may still emerge when the weather warms up.

Most ants are dormant for the winter months. Some ants will freeze to death when the temperature drops to extremes. But many species of ants are able to survive the cold.