
How Do Ants Make Sand Castles?

Using a variety of tools, ants build elaborate, multilayered structures, ranging from small anthills to huge underground cities. These structures are an example of how insect societies emerge, a complex, decentralized system that combines the actions of many individuals to produce an organization. The structures are designed to meet a variety of needs, from storage to nurseries for ant larvae.

During the course of the project, the team discovered three basic guidelines for ant building materials. These guidelines can be applied to build sophisticated multilayered structures.

Ants are able to dig tunnels through the use of powerful mandibles. They also use sand grains to carry food. The pressure from the grains at the end of the tunnel makes it easier for the ants to remove them. In addition, the ants create force chains that strengthen the walls of the tunnel.

These force chains are randomized before digging, and they reorganize around the tunnel like a cocoon. The ants can remove sand and soil from the tunnel, causing the force chains to rearrange.

Ants have a long nerve cord that runs from their head to their rear, just like the spinal cord of humans. These nerve cord branches lead to various parts of the ant’s body. Ants’ heart pumps colorless blood from their head to their rear.

Ants’ hearts are long tubes. Their nerve cords are similar to the human spinal cord, and carbon dioxide leaves the body through tiny holes all over their body.