
How Do Ants Get in Your House?

Whether they’re foraging for food, forming trails, or looking for shelter, ants can find their way into your home. In most cases, the ants are attracted to foods that are sugary or protein-rich.

They also use their sense of smell to find food. When they discover a new food source, they leave a chemical trail for other ants to follow. This trail can lead them to the source of the food, and eventually back to their nest.

Often, ants can enter your home through small holes, cracks, and gaps in your foundation, walls, and floors. They may also crawl through spaces under flooring, or in places where appliances or furniture sit.

You can prevent ants from entering your home by sealing all of your gaps and holes. If you can’t seal them immediately, try using a sealant or caulking. Sealants degrade over time, so you may need to reapply them periodically. You can also use soapy water to create a watery gap that ants won’t be able to pass through.

Ants can also enter your home through holes in your windows and doors. They may also crawl into holes in your vents or electrical lines.

You can prevent ants from entering by keeping your home clean. Sweep up food crumbs, take out garbage, and clean your trash cans. It’s also a good idea to store food items in airtight containers.

If you see ants coming and going, try using a soapy sponge to wipe them away. You can also vacuum the areas in your home to eliminate any food that may be attracting them.