
How Do Ants Come Up Through Drains?

Keeping your bathroom clean and free of moisture is a good way to prevent ants from coming up through your drains. Ants are attracted to stagnant water and food particles. They’re also attracted to the odor of your shower or bathtub.

Several different types of ants can infest your home. Some of these ants are pharaoh ants, fire ants, and dark-brown argentine ants. All of these insects have a strong sense of smell, and are able to find food in drains.

There are several ways to prevent ants from coming up through your sink or shower. The first thing you can do is to clean your drains regularly. You can use a mixture of baking soda and vinegar to clean your drains. This mixture can be poured down the drain and left for ten minutes. Then, rinse the drain with hot water.

Another way to prevent ants from coming up through drains is to seal cracks around your home. If you don’t have an outdoor window, you can also seal cracks in your walls.

You can also sprinkle boric acid around your home. Boric acid is toxic to ants, and will kill them as soon as it comes in contact with them. You can also pour the acid down your drain, but you’ll want to make sure that it’s placed far enough away from the water so that it doesn’t wash away.

If you’re still having problems with ants coming up through your drains, you may need to hire a professional. A pest control company can help you remove the ants and clean your drains.