
How Do Ants Cause Damage to Your Home?

Whether you are dealing with ants inside your home or your yard, the key to effective pest control is to treat the problem at its source. Ants have a strong preference for moist wood. This includes rotting logs and old wooden structures.

While the majority of ant species are not harmful to humans or lawns, there are several species that can cause damage. For example, odorous house ants build nests inside homes, contaminating food and producing an unpleasant odor. Other species of ants, such as mound ants, can damage grass lawns and interfere with mowing.

While some ants do not eat plants, others can harm plants by robbing them of water. Ants also speed up the decomposition of organic matter. This process contributes to fertilization.

While ants are not disease-carrying pests, they can carry bacteria and fungal organisms. This can contaminate food and cause a number of health problems. Ants often find space near electrical cords and pipes.

Carpenter ants are wood destroying pests that can cause significant damage to your home. They excavate wood to build their nests. Their nests can be found in areas where it is hard to reach, such as behind walls or in walls that are hollow. Carpenter ants will burrow into walls, doors, windows, and beams to construct their nests. Carpenter ants are attracted to moist wood.

Whether you have ants inside your home or your lawn, it is important to get rid of the problem quickly. Ants can cause structural damage to your home, so it is best to contact a professional.