
How Do Ants Affect Tomato Plants?

Generally, ants do not affect tomato plants. However, ants are known to be attracted to the honeydew produced by aphids on the leaves of tomato plants. The honeydew is rich in nutrients. If you do not want to allow ants to come close to your tomato plants, you can put a barrier of baby powder, table salt or cinnamon around the tomato plant.

Another way to control ants is to spray a mixture of vinegar and water on the ants and the plant. Vinegar makes the insects hard to breathe. Also, it has a pungent odor.

An organic horticultural oil spray is also a great way to control pest insects. This is particularly helpful if you are using an organic garden. This is because horticultural oil does not damage the beneficial insects in your garden.

Some organic insecticides can also be used to control ants. However, you should use these pesticides with caution. Some of them can be dangerous for humans and pets.

Some other simple home remedies for ants include coffee grinds, cinnamon and black and white pepper. These can be placed near your tomato plant or along the ant’s trail.

Coffee grounds are rich in nitrogen and can be used as an insecticide. However, these will not kill the ants. Another option is to use cornmeal. Cornmeal has many colors and is easy for ants to find.

Mixing a bit of cornmeal with sugar will also help distract ants. This can be done in a meter circle around your tomato plant.