
How Can I Get Rid of Ants?

Getting rid of ants is not easy, but there are a few ways to help. If you have an ant infestation, you can try to prevent them from entering your home. You can also try natural remedies to help kill them.

Peppermint oil is a natural ant repellant. It can be sprinkled around the exterior of your home to keep them from entering. It also keeps the house smelling fresh and earthy.

Peppermint has a strong aroma that ants cannot stand. You can also sprinkle it around the baseboards of your home. This will keep them from entering your home and prevent them from spreading.

Another effective natural ant repellant is table salt. The salt dries out the ants’ bodies. It also helps to kill the ants that are in the colony.

Coffee grounds are another natural ant repellant. You can sprinkle them around baseboards, appliances, and other places where ants are usually seen. The smell of coffee may also work, but the potency may be reduced when the grounds are dry.

You can also spray your home with a solution of water and lemon juice. The lemon juice will help to destroy ant scent trails.

Another way to get rid of ants is to use boric acid. Borax is made from boron, which is a chemical that erodes the outer shells of ants. The boric acid will also disrupt the digestive systems of ants when they ingest it.

You can also use baking soda to kill ants. You can sprinkle it around ant trails, or you can use it inside ant nests.