
Do Ants Take Poison Back to Nest?

During the Cretaceous period, around 140 million years ago, modern ants diverged from their wasp ancestors. Today’s ants are looking for food, and they get into your home through drains, grass and dirt. They also build nests in cracks in pavement and lawns, and sometimes in your home. They are a danger to people and pets, and their nests can get out of control.

Some species of ants can be quite aggressive. They can sting and bite, and they can be deadly to humans. They also lay down chemicals and pheromones to find food. These chemicals may be poisonous, and ants will carry them back to the nest.

Some ants are very protective of their nests. They may try to sting you if you disturb the nest. They also scavenge for food, which may include insects, dead animals, and other objects. They can be a problem, but they also offer a safer alternative to chemical pest control.

Using ant baits is a great way to get rid of these pests. The baits contain boric acid, which is a naturally occurring substance. They also contain a sweet liquid that is mixed with the boric acid. The boric acid works as a stomach toxin for ants. Its effects are not as strong as other chemicals, and it won’t harm children.

If you do decide to use ant baits, you should follow the directions on the package carefully. You shouldn’t mix them with food, and you should make sure they are out of reach of children. You should also check your baits for signs of ant feeding, and replace them if they become unacceptable.