
Do Ants Create Sand?

Whether ants create sand or not is up for debate. But for now, we know that ants build complex underground structures. And we know that they are ecological engineers. In a nutshell, ants make soil more fertile by moving soil and building new tunnels.

Researchers at Caltech have studied ants’ digging habits. They found that ants pick up grains of sand at a constant rate of two grains per minute. They also found that ants preferentially dump their soil on the flat side of the sand pile. This results in a circular shape for the sand.

Researchers have also analyzed videos of ants building shelter. They found that the sand structures acted like syphons. They also found that ants built tunnels along the inside edges of the cups. The structures then lead from the inside container to the outside container.

Researchers have found that ants are able to create complex underground structures using just three basic guidelines: sand, water, and a bit of randomness. This is the same formula that ants use to build anthills, which look like small sand mounds.

Scientists have long studied ant bridges. The ants’ fastening points hold up the weight of 100 comrades. The force chains relieve the pressure at the end of the tunnel, making it easier for the ants to excavate the grains.

These findings help researchers to understand the process of tunneling. They can also create simulations of ant tunneling progress. Ultimately, they hope that the research will help scientists design self-healing structures.