Can You Use Ant Traps Outside?
Whether you want to use ant traps or baits, the key is to determine which type will work for your situation. Ants are active all year round, but become a serious problem in the spring and fall.
Ant baits work by slowly poisoning ants. The baits are placed near areas of high ant activity. They should not be placed on areas where ants may have access to drinking water. Also, make sure to use baits in a dark, dry area. They should be checked every day to make sure they are still effective.
Baits should be placed in areas where ants are known to forage. Some baits are water resistant, so they can be used outdoors. They should be kept out of the reach of children and pets. They should also be placed in dark, dry, and cool areas.
Liquid ant baits can be placed near trails and mounds. They contain slow-killing poison and are weather-resistant. They can be placed indoors as well.
Solid ant baits are available in both powder and granule form. They contain boric acid and ant killer. They are less resistant than liquid baits, so they can be used outdoors. They are also less expensive. They can be placed near ant trails and nests.
Baits should be replaced every few days. They should also be checked for signs of ant feeding. If the bait is no longer effective, it should be replaced. They should also be placed in multiple locations to ensure they are effective.