
Can You Use Ant Powder With Dogs?

Using ant powder with dogs is safe, but you need to be careful about the ingredients in the product you buy. Some are toxic to dogs, while others are harmless. You should also be careful to read the label, so you know if the product is safe for your dog.

Some ant killers contain pyrethroids, which are toxic to dogs and cats. If your pet has ingested this type of insecticide, it may cause diarrhea, nausea, and even neurologic symptoms. Fortunately, there are many other ant control products that are safe for your pet.

One of the most common ingredients in pet-safe ant killers is diatomaceous earth. It is a powder that breaks down the exoskeleton of ants, causing them to dehydrate.

Diatomaceous earth can be purchased alone or used in conjunction with store-bought ant killers. Diatomaceous earth can be sprinkled around visible ants or placed in the ground, as a neat application. The edges of the powder puncture the hard exoskeleton of ants, absorbing lipids and killing them.

Borax is a naturally occurring chemical compound. Borax is toxic to bugs, fungi, and plants. It can cause stomach upset, coughing, and shortness of breath. Often, borax is combined with other ingredients in poisoned baits.

Some insecticides contain thiamethoxam, a less toxic form of ant killer. However, thiamethoxam is still dangerous for mammals. If your pet has ingested any insecticides, it’s best to call a veterinarian for a consultation.

If your pet has ingested any form of insecticide, it’s important to keep him or her away from any baits. Some insecticides contain ivermectin, a common heartworm preventative. If your dog has ingested ivermectin, you should contact a veterinarian.