
Can You Put Ants in the Fridge?

Using the fridge to kill ants is not a new invention. But it is not always the best way to do it. The truth is that ants can get into the refrigerator despite the seal. The refrigerator may also be dirty or squeaky. It’s best to clean and sanitize it before you attempt to kill ants in it.

Aside from the fridge, you can also use other objects in your home to kill ants. For instance, a hot pepper or camphor mixed with water in a dispenser will kill ants. You can also make an ant repellent spray using cinnamon oil or boric acid.

The cold temperature in the fridge slows down ants. In order to preserve energy, they become more inactive. However, they can still find food remnants in the airtight containers.

If you have a small amount of ants, you can put them in a plastic tub with a lid. Make sure the lid has at least 10 small air holes. Also, you can spray some borax on the lid to kill ants.

If you have a larger problem, you might want to consider a local pest control company to handle the job. Ants are a nuisance and can make your home unpleasant to live in. They also sting and inflict painful stings. If you are allergic to ants, you may want to consider emergency medical attention.

You can also use a liquid bait trap to stop ants from entering your home. You can place the bait in the assembly line for the food you prepare, or you can place it near your ant source.