
Can Ants Break Through Plastic?

Whether you’re living in a house, apartment, or other type of home, you may wonder if ants can break through plastic. Some species of ants are known to gnaw through plastic and other materials in order to reach food.

However, you should be aware that most ants don’t actually chew through plastic. In fact, most ants use their jaws to create holes, and they’re often attracted to sweet-smelling foods.

Ants’ antennae have tiny hairs called sensilla, which relay scents to the ant’s brain. They also have pheromone molecules on their antennae that alert other ants to the source of food. These pheromones help the ants return to the colony when they need to feed the queen.

In addition to gnawing through plastic, ants can chew through other materials, such as cotton and wood. They also can create invisible trails that lead them to food. These trails can lead them to countertops, cabinets, and other areas where they aren’t visible.

One of the best ways to protect your food from ants is to store it in airtight containers. This will prevent food odors from attracting pests.

Another way to prevent ants from getting into your food is to clean up your cupboards regularly. Wipe down jars and other containers, and store food in well-sealed plastic bags.

It’s also important to clean out your garbage cans. They can be a big ant attractant, especially when they contain spilt liquids. It’s also important to clean behind appliances and under them.