
Are Red Ants Bad For Your Home?

Typically, red ants are smaller than black ants. They are usually about one-quarter to one-half inch long and red in color. These insects can be aggressive. They sting their prey and then inject a toxin into them. The sting can cause severe burning pain.

The red imported fire ant, or RIFA, is a common and dangerous pest. They have been causing millions of dollars of damage to agricultural and wooden structures in the U.S. Since they arrived in the United States in the 1930s, they have spread across the country. They are known for their painful sting and their destructive rafts.

They are most commonly found in the southern and southwest regions of the U.S. They can live in soil and under objects, such as rotting logs. During the hot summer months, they swarm. They create large mounds of dirt at the entrance of their colonies.

They can infest a variety of foods. Among their favorites are dog foods and cat foods. They are particularly attracted to fatty foods. If you see ants coming in through cracks in your home, seal them up to keep them out.

If you see ants coming from the north, this is a good sign. If you see ants coming in from the east, this is bad news. It is likely that the ants are coming from a nearby colony. You may also notice that they are moving around your home, looking for food.