
Why Do Wasps Need to Exist?

During summertime, wasps are a common sight outside. They are predatory insects that feed off insects and aphids. They also transport large quantities of pollen. They are found in almost all habitats on land. They have been featured in literature from the Classical period.

Wasps belong to the Hymenoptera clade. They are one of the most diverse groups of insects, with over 200,000 species found throughout the world. Some species make individual cells to collect prey. Others drill through the bark or wood to drill holes and trap prey inside. They are also known to sting. Their venom has antibiotic properties. It can also help to treat cancer.

Wasps also help to control pests. They are capable of capturing caterpillars and greenfly. They also help to control spiders. They are also helpful to man, as they prey on insects pests of agricultural crops and gardens.

Most solitary wasps are fussy and focus on a single order of insects. Some species hunt across 14 different arthropod orders. They are also known for their painful sting. Some species make honey. However, these are not the most common type.

Wasps also have a fascinating social life. They are capable of communicating in very complex ways to collect food and build a nest. They will often attract other females to their nests to help take care of the young.

Wasps are a vital part of the ecosystem. They play an important role in pest management and are an important source of pollen. Increasing numbers of wasps are losing their habitat as a result of pesticide use.

Our top picks for getting rid of wasps

These are our 6 TOP picks for getting rid of your wasp infestation. These products are carefully selected by our team to give you the most value for your money!