
Why Are Wasps Attracted to My House?

Several factors may attract wasps to your home. Fortunately, prevention is the key to keeping wasps out. You may be able to avoid having wasps in your home by following a few simple steps. You can also use a pest control service to remove wasps from your property.

One of the best ways to prevent wasps from entering your home is to check for cracks in your walls. Wasps will often nest in these areas. It is also a good idea to keep garbage bins and other food containers tightly sealed. Also, keep cooking scraps properly disposed of.

Wasps can also be attracted to light. If you notice a wasp swarm in your yard, try to check nearby trees to see if they have built nests. They will also seek out flowering plants and brightly colored flowers. You can also try to reduce the number of lights in your home, which will make your home less attractive to wasps.

Wasps are also attracted to sweet foods. Foods like fruit, desserts, meats, and jams are a particular favorite of wasps. However, they can also be attracted to sugary drinks.

Wasps can also enter your home through holes in your window screens or through tiny cracks in your walls. Wasps also like to nest in crevices and cavities.

Wasps can be annoying to pets and people. They can also sting, which can cause anaphylaxis and other health concerns. If you have been stung by a wasp, be sure to call a professional pest control service.

Our top picks for getting rid of wasps

These are our 6 TOP picks for getting rid of your wasp infestation. These products are carefully selected by our team to give you the most value for your money!