
Why Are Wasps Attracted to Me?

During winter months, wasps look for cover to hibernate. Their preference is for a garden with water. They also like to gather nectar from flowers of the same color. They do not like rain.

Some wasps are generalists, so they will be attracted to a variety of colors. The color they prefer varies depending on their natural environment. For example, if they feed on orchids, they will be more attracted to purple flowers. However, if they are feeding on dandelions, they will be more attracted to yellow flowers.

If you want to keep wasps away, try wearing light colors. They do not like the color red. Similarly, you should avoid wearing clothing with floral patterns. If you want to protect yourself from wasp stings, try moving slowly. They may mistake your skin for a flower.

One of the best ways to keep wasps away is to dispose of any waste properly. If you have pets, be sure to keep their food indoors. You can also use a wasp trap to get rid of these insects.

Unlike other insects, wasps do not die after stinging. They actually latch onto carbon dioxide when they attack. They can be difficult to remove. If you’ve got a wasp infestation, it may be time to seek professional help.

You can also protect yourself from wasps by avoiding perfumes. They do not like strong sweet fragrances. However, you should clean your hands after eating or drinking sweet food. You can also use nest decoys to deter wasps.

Our top picks for getting rid of wasps

These are our 6 TOP picks for getting rid of your wasp infestation. These products are carefully selected by our team to give you the most value for your money!