
Why Are Paper Wasps Dangerous?

Having a paper wasp colony near your home can be a scary experience. This stinging insect can sting multiple times and cause a severe systemic reaction. Fortunately, there are some things you can do to prevent paper wasps from making your home their home.

Wasps will sting if they are threatened, but they usually aren’t aggressive. They are social insects, so they will defend their nests. They will also sting if they think you’re trying to eat their food. However, these stings can cause a severe allergic reaction, so you may want to call a specialist if you’re unsure.

Wasps are social insects, so they can get a little aggressive if they feel threatened. They are usually not aggressive during the warm season. However, they can become dangerous when the weather gets cold. They can also be a nuisance, so they need to be kept at bay.

Unlike yellow jackets, paper wasps aren’t very aggressive, but they can still sting. These insects are yellow in color, and are about half an inch to an inch in length. They are also known as paper wasps because they create paper-like nests made from chewed wood fibers and saliva. They also feed on pollen and nectar.

They can sting people if they get stuck in their nests, or if they accidentally step on them. It’s best to stay away from the nests if you’re worried about getting stung. If you have a problem with paper wasps, call a pest control specialist to help remove them from your home.

Our top picks for getting rid of wasps

These are our 6 TOP picks for getting rid of your wasp infestation. These products are carefully selected by our team to give you the most value for your money!