
Which Wasps Kill Bees?

Several types of wasps kill bees. Some are predators while others are cleptoparasites. Cleptoparasites are parasitic insects that lay eggs in the nests of their host species. These insects take advantage of their host’s food resources to feed their young.

The most common type of wasp that kills bees is the yellowjacket. Yellowjackets are members of a large group of predatory wasps. These insects take a wide variety of prey. They are known to sting humans. These wasps also can scavenge for human food at outdoor events.

Aside from the yellowjacket, there are also a number of other types of wasps that attack bees. Some types of wasps kill bees because they are looking for honey. Others kill bees because they are looking for protein. Some wasps also eat ants, crickets, and caterpillars.

Some bees aren’t aggressive, and they can get along with wasps. However, if a wasp invades the hive and begins killing bees, the hive may die. If the bees die, the wasp will be left with all the food. This is why wasps attack weak hives.

Some honey bees are able to fight back. They create a ball of heat, and they vibrate their flight muscles at high frequency. Bees are also able to sting hornets. The hornets have a larger size advantage over the bees, and they can crush the bees.

One type of wasp that kills bees by the number of times it stings is the paper wasp. Paper wasps are known to build nests that are attached to attic rafters or porch ceilings.

Our top picks for getting rid of wasps

These are our 6 TOP picks for getting rid of your wasp infestation. These products are carefully selected by our team to give you the most value for your money!