
Which Wasps Are Most Aggressive?

Depending on the species, wasps can be aggressive or non-aggressive. They are also classified according to their diets. Some wasps are strictly vegetarian, while others feed their young with nectar or insects. Some wasps are also parasitic, feeding off of other insects. These wasps also use pheromones to alert their nestmates that there is a threat.

Among the most aggressive wasps are hornets. These stingers are larger and sting much more painfully than other wasp stings. They are also one of the most venomous wasps. In addition, they can sting many times.

Another aggressive wasp is the bald-faced hornet. These wasps have black heads and white bodies. They also have long black wings. They build their nests in tree branches or under buildings. They sting when threatened. They are also aggressive in the fall.

The German yellow jacket is also a fairly aggressive wasp. This species is native to Europe. It is also found in the United States. It is a relatively large wasp, with a body about an inch and a quarter long. It is known to return to old nests in the spring. It is also extremely territorial and will defend its nest with multiple stings.

Paper wasps are a type of wasp that builds nests on twigs, trees, and attic rafters. They are usually near doors or fruit trees. The nest is made of an open-faced comb.

Braconid wasps are aggressive wasps that have black bodies with red markings. They are also known as mud daubers. They build their nests in hollow trees or under porches. They sting when threatened but are not aggressive towards humans.

Our top picks for getting rid of wasps

These are our 6 TOP picks for getting rid of your wasp infestation. These products are carefully selected by our team to give you the most value for your money!