
Which Wasps Are Bad?

Historically, wasps have been portrayed as hateful creatures. But in fact, they are very beneficial insects. Their stings can provide an effective means of pest control. These insects are also important pollinators.

Most wasps live in colonies with a queen. These queens are the key to future generations. They lay eggs on a host insect.

The most common wasps include paper wasps, yellow jackets, bald-faced hornets, and killer wasps. Paper wasps build their nests on fences, playground equipment, and trees. These nests are umbrella-shaped.

When a nest is threatened, social wasps release alarm pheromones. This pheromone alerts other nestmates to protect the nest. These pheromones can be dangerous to humans.

The paper wasp nests are made of open umbrella-like paper combs. There are less than 100 wasps in each colony. These wasps will sting to protect the queen.

The paper wasp sting is painful, but not as painful as the sting of the yellow jacket. The paper wasp is a member of nature’s clean-up crew. They are mainly looking for sugar.

While there are some parasitic wasps, the majority of known species are beneficial. These parasitic wasps feed on their hosts. They are used in crop agriculture as pest controllers.

If you are allergic to stings from wasps or other insects, be sure to wash the sting site with water. This will help remove any harmful bacteria that may have been transferred by the sting. If the sting continues to cause symptoms, call 911. You should also use an adrenaline auto-injector to treat any severe reactions.

Our top picks for getting rid of wasps

These are our 6 TOP picks for getting rid of your wasp infestation. These products are carefully selected by our team to give you the most value for your money!