
Which Colors Attract Wasps?

Unlike bees, wasps aren’t attracted to all colors. However, they have an appreciation for certain colors. The colors they are attracted to, and their preference for them, varies according to the type of wasp and its natural environment.

There are five colors that were proven to be attractive to wasps. The color that is closest to the color of the prey they are hunting is also the color they will most likely be attracted to.

For example, night flying wasps will prefer violet light. Wasps that feed on nectar will also be attracted to bright, floral colors.

Yellow is also associated with beautiful flowers. The color purple has also been found to be a good color to attract wasps. This color is found in orchids, Queen Anne’s lace and wild carrot.

Black is a color that will make bees wary. It is also believed that this color resembles the color of natural predators, which wasps will associate with an aggressive predator.

The color red is not as attractive to wasps. They see black when they see red, so it isn’t really the color that they are attracted to.

The color green is another color that wasps are attracted to. However, they aren’t necessarily attracted to a green object. They also may be attracted to the green-leaf volatile, a chemical produced by damaged tissue.

If you are worried about being attracted to wasps, you can use wasp traps or nest decoys. These methods are less controversial than attempting to deter wasps with your clothing.

Our top picks for getting rid of wasps

These are our 6 TOP picks for getting rid of your wasp infestation. These products are carefully selected by our team to give you the most value for your money!