
Where to Buy Wasps

Having a problem with insects in your yard? You may be asking yourself where to buy wasps. These beneficial insects are not only effective at controlling pests, but they also do not bother humans or pets.

Trichogramma wasps, a sub-group of parasitoid wasps, are an effective natural solution to controlling pests. These wasps parasitize the eggs of many species of Lepidoptera, including moths.

Trichogrammas come in capsules that should be stapled to the leaves or posts of the trees. They can then be released periodically for 3-6 weeks. For optimal results, they should be released when moths first appear. If moths persist, releases should occur weekly.

Trichogramma wasps are highly sensitive to pesticides. They should not be released in areas where pesticides are used. They should also be placed in areas with a shady spot. This will make it more welcoming for other beneficial insects.

If you want to purchase Trichogramma, you can order them from ARBICO Organics. They have four different species to choose from. They are shipped in breathable sacks. They can be shipped overnight for your address.

Another company to consider is BioSwat. They have been selling parasitic wasps since 1975. The company ships wasps in wood shavings or heat-sealed plastic. They also offer a guarantee that you will receive 25,000 wasp units per bag.

These wereps have been used to control emerald ash borer and other pests in Minnesota and other areas. They are also used to control pests in farms.

Our top picks for getting rid of wasps

These are our 6 TOP picks for getting rid of your wasp infestation. These products are carefully selected by our team to give you the most value for your money!