
Where Do Queen Wasps Hibernate?

During the winter, the queen wasps hibernate in a variety of places. These include the house, garden shed, attic and wooded areas. The queen wasps hibernate in these places to protect them from cold weather.

During the spring, the queen wasps emerge from hibernation to begin building a new nest. The queen wasps build a nest in a dark, stable place. The nest can be made from various materials including wood, wax, saliva and synthetic material. The nest is usually built in a cavity of the house, a tree, a bird box or an underground hole.

The queen wasps start to lay their eggs inside the nest cells. The queen wasps also collect nest building materials. These materials include chewed wood, fabric, and saliva.

The nest is used to house the queen and other larvae. The larvae develop into a fertile female who becomes the next queen. Eventually, the queen dies after laying her eggs.

During spring and summer, the female worker wasps collect food to feed the larvae and grow the hive. The worker wasps die in the fall and winter, when temperatures drop. This results in a large number of dead wasps. The queen wasps are the only ones that survive the winter.

The queen wasps hibernate from the end of November until the spring. These queens are the only ones in the colony that can survive the winter. The other queens and the adult workers die when temperatures drop.

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