
Where Do Bees and Wasps Go in the Winter?

During the colder months, bees and wasps will hide out in places that are warm and protected. They can also huddle together to maintain body heat. Some bees and wasps will live underground. Others will build a nest in a sheltered location. They will use wood pulp to build their nests.

There are two main types of wasps: social wasps and solitary wasps. Social wasps live in colonies and lay eggs. Their queen is responsible for reproduction. They will lay about ten to twenty eggs in their nest. In the spring, she will plant the eggs to produce fertile females.

Unlike social wasps, solitary wasps build their nests from mud or soil. They can also attach a home base to any surface. In the winter, they may build their nests in sheltered locations, such as roof spaces, sheds, and small cavities. The main goal of any wasp colony is to keep its queen alive.

If the weather is warm, the queen will re-emerge from hibernation. She will decide where to build a new nest. The nest will consist of a series of cells that will be arranged in a hexagonal pattern. She will also change her diet so that the larvae can survive.

When the temperature drops, the queen will stop producing eggs. The remaining eggs will hatch into new wasp larvae. These larvae will eat protein-rich insects. The larvae then pupate into adult worker wasps.

The worker wasps will begin to die in the early fall. The queen and drones will also die in the winter. This is because they don’t have enough food to sustain them.

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