
When Does Wasps Come Out?

During the spring and summer months, wasps are busy building nests. These nests can be very large and can contain hundreds of wasps. They are usually made of wood fibers chewed up by the wasps and mixed with saliva.

A queen wasp hibernates during the winter months. The eggs she lays hatch into infertile female worker wasps. These worker wasps build the nest and provide food for the queen.

The queen wasp is responsible for plant pollination just like honey bees. When the weather warms up in the spring, the queen starts to search for a suitable nesting site. The queen is also responsible for slowing down the egg-laying process.

The best time to find wasps is in the spring and summer. Wasps can be found in the yard and the garden. You can also find nests in buildings. You can locate them in the attic, under the deck floor joists, or in chimneys.

The best time to get rid of a nest is in the evening. Wasps will usually retreat to their nests at night, giving you plenty of time to remove them. They will eventually rejoin the colony, but you can prevent them from doing so by sealing entry points in your home.

Wasps can be a real nuisance. They can be very aggressive, and will attack anything in their path. They are also a safety hazard if the nest is disturbed. If you have a wasp nest, you should keep a close eye on it and remove the wasps as soon as you see them.

Our top picks for getting rid of wasps

These are our 6 TOP picks for getting rid of your wasp infestation. These products are carefully selected by our team to give you the most value for your money!