
What Wasps Live in Florida?

Throughout Florida, you will find wasps ranging from aggressive to nonaggressive. They are often found in warm areas with abundant food sources. These insects can be a nuisance to homeowners. But, you can keep them out of your home with the right methods.

A wasp’s sting is very painful and can be harmful if you are not careful. If you have an infestation, contact a professional for help. They can assess your situation and suggest the best approach for you. Once you have an idea of what wasps live in your area, you can develop an effective plan to control the problem. Using the right methods, you can keep wasps from returning.

The most aggressive wasps are the red wasps. These insects can be found in sheltered locations such as under porches and in trees. They also build nests under porches. The nests are typically made of mud.

Another wasp that is common in Florida is the Jamaican digger wasp. These insects are reddish-orange in color with black wings. They build nests under porches or under eaves of the home. These wasps are a natural pest control. They feed on insects and flowers. They are semi-social insects and live in small mounds.

If you are having problems with wasps, you can contact the ABC Home & Commercial Services to assess your situation. They can develop an effective plan for your home or business. They can also help you get rid of wasps.

Our top picks for getting rid of wasps

These are our 6 TOP picks for getting rid of your wasp infestation. These products are carefully selected by our team to give you the most value for your money!