
What Wasps Are Red Wasps?

Unlike other wasps, red wasps are quite docile and protective of their nests. They are also a very common species in the United States. They build nests in trees, attics, and houses. They create nest paper by chewing wood fiber.

Red wasps are relatively small in size, measuring about an inch in length. They are often found in eastern and southern parts of the U.S. They feed on a variety of insects, including caterpillars, beetle larvae, and plant nectar. They also build honeycomb nests in walls and trees. Some nests can contain up to 5000 individuals.

Red wasps are known for their sting, which is painful. They will often sting multiple times, which means you may need to seek medical care. If you do get stung, you will need to treat the area with cold packs or mild pain medication. Some people may develop life-threatening allergic reactions to the sting.

The main purpose of a wasp nest is to protect its queen. The nest is constructed of wood fiber, which the red wasp shapes into hexagonal cells. Some nests can contain up to 200 cells. The red wasp builds nests in trees, attics, and walls. They are also known to build nests under porch ceilings.

Red wasps are primarily nocturnal, meaning they stay out of the sunlight. They are a common species in the East Texas region. They are also known to be parasitic on another wasp. If you notice a wasp nest near your home, it is best to remove it.

Our top picks for getting rid of wasps

These are our 6 TOP picks for getting rid of your wasp infestation. These products are carefully selected by our team to give you the most value for your money!