
What Wasps Are in Victoria?

Several species of wasps are common in Victoria. These insects are part of the order Hymenoptera. They come in a variety of sizes and shapes. Some are solitary, while others are social. Some species are parasitic, while others eat spiders.

There are over 12,000 species of wasps in Australia. There are two main types: native and introduced. The introduced species are more aggressive and have become a nuisance. The native species are generally solitary. They build their own nests. They are most likely to attack humans, if they suspect that they are being threatened. The European wasp, on the other hand, is an introduced species that has spread throughout Australia and is aggressive.

The European wasp is native to northern Europe and Asia. It arrived in Australia in the 1950s and has spread across the country. In South Australia, there are now feral European Wasp colonies that are found in large numbers. This species is a major nuisance, and can cause painful stings.

A mud-dauber wasp is a solitary wasp that builds a series of enclosed mud cells. Each cell contains a spider that has been paralyzed by the wasp. These spiders provide the wasp larvae with food. The larvae feed on the flesh of the paralyzed spiders. These spiders are often parasites. These parasites can be harmful to plants.

The European wasp has spread to many areas of Victoria. These colonies must be removed by property owners. These nests can be a nuisance, especially when they are near buildings and other humans. If you are worried about a European wasp nest on your property, call a professional pest control company for advice. They can help you safely remove the wasps.

Our top picks for getting rid of wasps

These are our 6 TOP picks for getting rid of your wasp infestation. These products are carefully selected by our team to give you the most value for your money!