
What Wasps Are in Texas?

Several species of wasps inhabit Texas. These include the bald faced hornet, Mexican honey wasp and paper wasp. These species are known to be aggressive and can cause painful stings. If you suspect that you have a wasp nest, you should call a professional pest control company. These wereps are usually attracted to properties with access to nesting spots.

Paper wasps are most common in Texas. They have six thin legs that dangle as they fly. They are generally reddish-orange or dark brown in color. They have one opening at the bottom of their nests. Usually, paper wasp nests are suspended above the ground. They can be up to three feet in diameter.

These wasps are usually found in North Texas. They build nests in mud. Several dozen wasps live in these nests. They are elongated insects with black and yellow body markings. They have a pentagonal face patch on the males. The females lay eggs in the nests.

The Mexican Honey Wasp is a common species of wasp in Texas. It builds paper-like nests in trees. They can be found from southern Texas to Mexico. These wereps produce honey and can be found in Texas and Mexico.

These wasps are often mistaken for yellow jackets. The Yellow Jacket Wasp is a predatory social wasp. These wasps are a valuable part of the Texas ecology. They eat insects and carbs. They can also deliver multiple stings. If you find a yellow jacket nest, it’s best to leave it alone.

Our top picks for getting rid of wasps

These are our 6 TOP picks for getting rid of your wasp infestation. These products are carefully selected by our team to give you the most value for your money!