
What Size Mesh to Keep Wasps Out of Your Home?

Among the many insects that will come into your home, wasps are among the most troublesome. They can sting you and can cause an allergic reaction. It’s not unusual for a person to have to go to the hospital after a wasp sting. Fortunately, there are ways to keep wasps out of your home.

The most effective way is prevention. By keeping your home free of food, wasps won’t have a reason to make their nests. You can also keep wasps from entering your home through door and window screens. Alternatively, you can buy mesh screens that are designed to keep insects out. They come in varying mesh sizes, so you can choose one that is appropriate for your needs.

You can also purchase decoy wasps or mothballs. Hanging these in the yard or around the shed is a good way to keep these insects away. They have a strong smell and can deter wasps. These can also be purchased at a home store.

You can also enclose your deck with insect netting. This can be purchased from your local gardening store. You can also hang the mesh from gutters or eaves to keep wasps out. These mesh screens can be bought in pre-cut sizes and can be purchased off the roll.

You can also buy plastic soda bottles filled with high sugar soda to trap wasps and bees. You can also hang paper bags around your home, especially around the eaves.

Our top picks for getting rid of wasps

These are our 6 TOP picks for getting rid of your wasp infestation. These products are carefully selected by our team to give you the most value for your money!