
What Size Is a Wasps Nest?

Various types of wasps have different nest sizes. Some are small and compact while others are big and elaborate.

Some species build nests that look like small vases or miniature pottery. They also build nests that look like papery blobs or hardened cotton balls.

Other species build nests that resemble small mud structures. They create these nests by chewing up wood fibers and mixing it with their saliva. They build these nests in various locations. Some nests are underground while others are built on trees or shrubs.

One of the largest nests is made by a hornet. These nests are large enough for the queen to lay eggs and are filled with tubes. The nest is usually brown in colour and can be as big as a basketball.

Another type of nest is made by a paper wasp. These nests are made by mixing saliva with wood pulp. The pulp is then layered into passages or into smaller hexagonal columns. The nest can be very large and can also have the appearance of an upside down umbrella.

Other wasps build nests that look like small mud structures. These nests are often built on man made structures or under porches. These nests can also be found in outdoor gazebos or bridges.

Depending on the type of wasp, the number of workers, queens and larvae can range from one to five thousand. They have an average lifespan of twelve months. Some nests can also have several queens. The female worker wasps take care of the young. The larvae feed on insects brought in by the female workers.

Our top picks for getting rid of wasps

These are our 6 TOP picks for getting rid of your wasp infestation. These products are carefully selected by our team to give you the most value for your money!