
What Should I Do If I Find a Wasps Nest?

Getting stung by a wasp can be painful and life-threatening. Fortunately, there are ways to deal with wasps that don’t require a trip to the emergency room.

The first thing to do is identify the type of wasp you have. There are several species of wasps, including yellowjackets, European wasps, German wasps, and paper wasps. Identifying which type of wasp you have will help you determine the right method of removal.

If you have an allergy to wasp stings, you should get an allergy test before you try to remove the nest. You should also be prepared with an emergency kit. This should include some of the following: hydrocortisone cream, cold pack, and EpiPen.

Depending on the type of wasp, you may be able to kill it by making a simple trap out of an empty bottle, water, and sugar. Alternatively, you can buy a wasp trap from a local DIY store.

Another way to get rid of a wasp is to spray it with an aerosol pesticide designed for wasps. The spray should be applied for about 10 seconds. This will kill the wasps and they will be unable to return to the nest.

Another option for wasp removal is to hire an exterminator. These professionals are trained to remove wasp nests safely and efficiently. They also use professional grade products to make sure that the nest is destroyed quickly and safely.

If you are unsure of how to remove a wasps nest, contact your local vector control district to ask them for assistance. This will ensure that you do not damage the nest and will prevent any further problems with wasps.

Our top picks for getting rid of wasps

These are our 6 TOP picks for getting rid of your wasp infestation. These products are carefully selected by our team to give you the most value for your money!