
What Is the Average Size of a Wasps Nest?

Among the most common questions you may have when you see a wasp nest is “what is the average size of a wasps nest?” There are many different wasps and their nests can vary in size. They are usually built in cavities in trees or in wall cavities, often in the corner of a home.

Paper wasps are the most common wasps you will see. These wereps are omnivorous, and they build nests using wood fibers and saliva. They will build nests in trees, on wooden fences, and even in man-made structures. These nests are usually constructed with paper-like material and they can be large enough to house hundreds of wasps.

The average size of a wasps nest is about 30 cm. These nests can be a volleyball-sized nest, or they can be as large as a basketball. This is because wasps grow quickly as the number of wasps increases.

The largest wasps’ nests are built by hornets. They can house up to 700 hornets. They build nests with one large entrance. These nests are usually light brown in colour. They are filled with chambers and tubes.

Yellow jackets are also very common in areas where humans congregate. These wasps build their nests in hollows or underground. They can have five to nine combs. They are able to build very large nests because they can use plant materials, such as twigs and leaves.

The average size of a wasps’ nest is between three and six thousand individuals in the summer. During the summer, worker wasps become more aggressive and they become more likely to come into contact with humans. They are attracted to heat, light, and sweet substances. They also prefer to eat fallen fruit instead of ripe fruit.

Our top picks for getting rid of wasps

These are our 6 TOP picks for getting rid of your wasp infestation. These products are carefully selected by our team to give you the most value for your money!