
What Do Yellow Jacket Wasps Eat?

During the summer months, yellow jacket wasps feed on fruit and insects. In the fall and winter, they seek other food sources.

The female worker wasp searches for food and returns to the nest after finding a suitable source. She chews prey into small pieces, then transfers it to the larvae through salivary glands. The larvae then secrete a sugary substance. This is known as trophallaxis.

When the adults are starving, they may go after dead insects, such as mosquitoes. They may also try to steal honey from honey bees.

Yellow jackets are scavengers, mainly eating insects, but they also feed on leftover food, sugary drinks, and flower nectar. They will even swarm around garbage bins and picnic areas. They are especially common in the southeastern United States.

There are several different species of yellow jackets, but they all live underground. Some of them build nests in trees, bushes, and under decks and sheds. They are also known to build nests in gaps and gutters.

Yellow Jackets are very aggressive when they are hungry. Their sting can be deadly for those who are allergic to venom. They can also be consumed by bears, skunks, and other predators.

If you are having a backyard party, be careful that there aren’t any food or sugar sources left out. If you have a lot of sweet smells, such as honey and sugar, you might reduce the chances of inviting yellow jackets.

The best way to get rid of yellow jackets is to remove their food source. You can do this by treating your yard for insect pests. You can also call a professional exterminator.

Our top picks for getting rid of wasps

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