
What Can Kill Wasps?

During the summer, wasps can be a serious problem. They can sting you and make outdoor spaces difficult to use. Wasps are very aggressive, even when they are several feet away from you. You can prevent this problem with preventative measures.

You can make your own wasp repellent. You can use essential oils like wormwood, eucalyptus, and lemon extract. These oils have been proven to be effective repellents, but they only have a limited area of effect. You may also want to consult a professional exterminator. They can help you get rid of an existing wasp colony.

One of the easiest ways to keep wasps away is by hanging a bottle with dish soap and water around your home. This repellent is harmless to most plants and is effective on hornets and yellowjackets. It is also a good way to keep ants away.

You can also spray the liquid on wasps. This repellent is effective because it allows water to get into the wasps’ breathing tubes, causing them to suffocate.

You can also trap wasps using a jar. Make sure the jar has a hole that is large enough for a pencil to pass through. The jar should also have an inch of liquid bait in the bottom. Then, attach the lid and firmly attach it to the jar.

A powerful storm can destroy thousands of wasp nests. It is important to clean up after such a storm. This way, you can discourage future nest building.

Our top picks for getting rid of wasps

These are our 6 TOP picks for getting rid of your wasp infestation. These products are carefully selected by our team to give you the most value for your money!