
What Can I Spray on Wasps to Kill Them?

Using homemade wasp spray can be a great way to kill wasps. However, you should also consider the safety of your family and pets. You should avoid applying sprays that contain strong chemicals. You should also keep in mind that wasps are aggressive insects and can be very painful to sting.

You can make your own wasp spray using dish soap, lemon extract, and water. This mixture will suffocate wasps and work well on yellowjackets. The dish soap dissolves the protective coating on wasps and weighs them down. This solution is also harmless to most plants.

You can also try applying WD-40 to wasps’ nests. This will keep them away, but you should be careful not to apply it to any lit grills or candles. If you do, it can spread around.

To make a wasp trap, you’ll need to fill a two-liter plastic soda bottle with water. You’ll want to remove the cap. You can hang this bottle with a heavy string, or you can place it on the ground. Once it’s full, you’ll need to replace the mixture.

You can also use peppermint oil to repel wasps. This mixture should be reapplied once a week. You should also be careful not to let the oil get into your eyes. You should also wear a medical bracelet or an EpiPen to help with your allergies.

Wasps are not always aggressive, so you shouldn’t panic. If you notice a solitary wasp, it could mean that there’s a wasp nest somewhere around the house.

Our top picks for getting rid of wasps

These are our 6 TOP picks for getting rid of your wasp infestation. These products are carefully selected by our team to give you the most value for your money!