
What Can I Put in a Jar to Attract Wasps?

During early spring, wasps are looking for protein sources. You can use vinegar, sugar, meat scraps, and other natural wasp repellents to keep them away from your home.

You can make a homemade wasp trap using a plastic pop bottle. First, cut the top off the bottle. Then, invert the bottle so the spout is inside. Alternatively, you can use a two-liter soft drink bottle.

Fill the bottle with a liquid bait. The liquid should be cooled before pouring. Alternatively, you can add soap to the water. The soap breaks the surface tension of the liquid, which makes it easier for the wasps to sink.

You can also use a Ziplock baggie filled with water. Hang the baggie in a conspicuous place. You can also use a piece of meat or fruit scraps as bait. The wasps are attracted to the sweet smell. If you are using a piece of meat, be sure to add a bit of soap to the water to make the bait more effective.

If you have an old jam jar, you can use it as a wasp trap. First, you need to cut a hole in the lid. Then, you need to place a bit of jam under the lid. In summer, you can add soap to the water.

You can also use peppermint oil, cinnamon oil, or other essential oils. These oils are effective wasp repellents. You should use a small amount, about 3 tablespoons.

Our top picks for getting rid of wasps

These are our 6 TOP picks for getting rid of your wasp infestation. These products are carefully selected by our team to give you the most value for your money!