
Wasps in House Can’t Find Nest

During the winter, wasps are less active. In the spring, when the temperatures start to rise, they become active. Their colonies will move inside to keep warm. These pests can sting you if they are disturbed or are close to their nest. They can also cause damage to your home.

Wasps can enter your house through openings in the exterior. They can also enter through the attic or wall voids. They can also enter through cracks around doors and windows.

If you find wasps inside your home, they may be looking for food or water. They may also be trying to return to their nest. You can call a professional if you are unsure of what to do. You can also use jar traps to deal with the problem. These traps can be filled with soda, vinegar or lunchmeat. These traps will help you catch the wasps and seal them in.

You can also get rid of wasps by using a spray. If you spray the nest, make sure you wear goggles to protect yourself from the chemicals. You may also want to wear thick clothing and make sure you have a way to get out of the nest if you get stung. You may also want to try and knock the nest down. You may want to use a long stick to do this.

Wasps that nest inside your house can damage your ceiling. They also can chew through your wallboard.

Our top picks for getting rid of wasps

These are our 6 TOP picks for getting rid of your wasp infestation. These products are carefully selected by our team to give you the most value for your money!