
Wasps Do Kill Bees – How to Protect Your Beehive From Wasps

Generally speaking, honey bees and wasps do not necessarily kill each other. In fact, wasps and bees sometimes share flowers.

However, wasps do kill bees. Wasps kill adult bees, and they will also kill larvae and pupae. If the bees become weak, they will be unable to defend themselves. Eventually, they will starve to death. Fortunately, there are ways to protect your hive from wasps.

The best way to protect your hive from wasps is to make sure the colony is healthy and strong. This will help it to resist predators and other bees that may want to rob the hive. In addition, beekeepers can reduce the size of their hives’ entrances to make it harder for wasps to invade.

Another effective way to control wasp populations is by applying insecticidal powder. The powder is safe to use when used properly and it will paralyze the bees and stop them from flying. It is also an effective method for eliminating ground bees. You can apply the powder to the nest with a duster.

Wasps have a sweet taste and they digest protein in the meat they eat. They also excrete sugary honeydew. Some scientists believe these secretions are the reason for their sociality.

Another way to defend your hive against wasps is to plant flowers at different times of the year. When the flowers are blooming, they provide the bees with enough food. When the flowers are no longer blooming, wasps may look elsewhere for food.

Our top picks for getting rid of wasps

These are our 6 TOP picks for getting rid of your wasp infestation. These products are carefully selected by our team to give you the most value for your money!