
Wasp Facts – How Far Do Wasps Travel?

Whether you’ve spotted a wasp flying around or just looking for food, there are a few things you need to know about these flying insects. These insects can be very dangerous and they’re also very aggressive. Some species are even carnivorous. These predatory wasps will sting their prey to paralyze them.

Most wasps have multiple sets of wings. They can fly at up to 20 miles per hour. The fastest wasp in the world is a yellow jacket. This insect is known to be very aggressive and can sting hundreds of times. The CDC reported 62 wasp-related deaths annually.

Wasps will build a nest in areas such as roofs, overhangs and decks. They build nests that are a golf ball in size. These nests are made of clay, paper or small stones. Some wasps build nests on trees or wooden fences.

Wasps are known to attack people who approach their nest. The queen wasp will emerge from its nest. She will then start laying eggs. These eggs can contain thousands of wasps. After hatching, the queen wasp flies off to find a suitable nesting place.

Most wasps will travel a distance of about 50-100 feet before they start to chase you. If you’re close to the nest, they will chase you for even longer. However, the distances can vary depending on the wasp species.

European wasps can travel as far as 500 meters from their nest. This is a good indication that they are a potential threat to humans.

Our top picks for getting rid of wasps

These are our 6 TOP picks for getting rid of your wasp infestation. These products are carefully selected by our team to give you the most value for your money!